About Us Indian Head Massage proved to be very popular with customers, probably due to the non-invasive nature of the treatment, where the client can be fully clothed and seated throughout. It can also be practiced in offices and other workplace environments, does not require the use of oils (although oils can be used), and is suitable for people of all ages. This popularity led to requests from clients and other natural health practitioners for training in the techniques of Indian Head Massage. About Xanthe Xanthe has a Diplomas in Massage and Indian Head Massage and is also a Reflexologist and Reiki Practitioner. Xanthe is a Diplomate certified CranioSacral Therapist, Certified Zero Balancer and Fascial Kinetics Bowen Therapist she has also studied Visceral Manipulation and Neural Manipulation. In Xanthe's practice she offers Indian Head Massage, Reflexology, Reiki, CranioSacral Therapy, Zero Balancing and Bowen Therapy. In addition to her practice Xanthe also teaches Indian Head Massage with Indian Head Massage NZ, Reflexology with the Canterbury School of Reflexology and CranioSacral Therapy for the Upledger Institute. For further information regarding training courses and treatments, Xanthe can be contacted on: xanthe@indianheadmassage.co.nz
© Indian Head Massage New Zealand 2020